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Temporary Residence

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Subordinate Professional Activity

It is a residence permit granted for the exercise of a subordinate professional activity by foreigners who have a contract or promise of a work contract.

Independent Professional Activity

It is a residence permit granted to foreigners who have established a company or entered into a service contract for the exercise of a liberal profession or are eligible to engage in independent professional activity, a residence permit granted for the exercise of a subordinate professional activity by foreigners who have a contract or promise of a work contract.

Highly Qualified Activity

It is a residence permit granted to foreigners for the purpose of engaging in teaching or research activities at a higher education or highly qualified institution.

Investment Activity or Relevant Economic Activity

It is a residence permit granted to foreigners for the purpose of engaging in an investment activity or a relevant economic activity.

Higher Education Student

It is a residence permit granted to foreigners who are students in higher education.

Family Reunification

It is a residence permit granted to foreigners who are family members of a foreigner residing in Cabo Verde, holding a valid residence permit.

Extraordinary Regularization of Foreigners

An exceptional regime for the extraordinary regularization of the status of citizens originating from ECOWAS and CPLP countries who are residing in the national territory without the necessary legal authorization, as well as other foreign citizens in the same situation.

Permanent Residence

Asset Publisher

Holder of a temporary residence permit for at least 5 years

It is a residence permit granted to foreigners who have held a temporary residence permit for at least 5 years.

Retired Foreigner

It is a residence permit granted to a foreigner who has retired and wishes to establish residence in Cabo Verde.

Green Card

The Green Card is intended for foreigners who, to obtain residency, wish to acquire real estate in Cabo Verde quickly and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Asset Publisher

The Green Card application is made online via the portal or in person at the Casa do Cidadão counters. If the application is made online, the applicant is notified to confirm their biographical data contained in the identification document used at the time of the application, and the holder's facial image in color, signature and fingerprint are taken.

•    Cônjuge;
•    Unido de facto judicialmente reconhecido no país de origem;
•    Menor de catorze anos e/ou
•    Dependente que esteja a seu cargo no exercício do poder paternal, tutela ou curatela

Nota: O reagrupamento familiar com o filho menor de 14 anos e/ou dependente, incapaz de apenas um dos cônjuges depende da apresentação de autorização do outro progenitor ou de decisão de autorização do Tribunal competente.

The request will be sent for validation to the Citizen's House (Casa do Cidadão)

Os cidadãos estrangeiros que tenham entrado em Cabo Verde, até 15 de dezembro de 2020 e tenham permanecido continuamente ou apenas ausentado por períodos de curta duração, até 30 (trinta) dias por ano, e que disponham de comprovativo de situação económica mínima para assegurar a subsistência.

Cidadãos estrangeiros que:

  1. Tenham sido condenados, com pena de prisão igual ou superior a um ano e sem que tenha havido reabilitação de direito, nos termos do Código Penal; 
  2. Se encontrem em qualquer das circunstâncias previstas como fundamento da expulsão do território nacional, com exceção da entrada ou permanência irregular no país; 
  3. Tendo sido objeto de uma decisão de expulsão do país, se encontrem no período de subsequente interdição de entrada em território nacional; 
  4. Em relação aos quais existem fundadas razões de segurança ou ordem pública.

A partir do dia 15 de janeiro de 2022 até o dia 15 de junho de 2022, podendo, no entanto, o prazo de término ser prorrogado por mais três meses.

Os pedidos são apresentados exclusivamente por via online, através do endereço
Caso tenha alguma dificuldade na submissão do seu pedido, dirija às estruturas de apoio que servirão como postos de atendimento, apoio e informação existentes no seu Concelho.
Consulte o site e confira qual é a estrutura mais perto de si.

a) Proof of continued ownership of the real estate that gave rise to its acquisition;

b) Document proving the applicant's state of health;

c) Criminal record certificate or equivalent document issued by the competent authority of the applicant's country of habitual nationality, valid for at least six months and translated into Portuguese and certified by the Cape Verdean consular services;

d) Cape Verde criminal record, the original of which must be handed in when the application is made;

e) Proof that the applicant has not been sentenced to a term or terms of imprisonment which, individually or cumulatively, exceed one year.

  • Over 18, as an individual;
  • Over 18, with a family;
  • Under 18, but aged 16 or over;
  • Under 18, under the social protection of recognized institutions;
  • Over 18, under the social protection of recognized institutions
  1. Document proving identity:
    • Copy of valid passport (biographical page); OR
    • Copy of expired passport certified by the Embassy of the country of origin; OR
    • Copy of identity card, certified by the embassy of the country of origin; OR 
    • Residence permit, even if it has expired.


  2. Document proving the date of entry and continued stay in Cape Verde:
    • Entry stamp (passport page); OR
    • Declaration issued by the Embassy or Consulate of the country of origin, namely of consular registration.


  3. Criminal record of Cape Verde;
  4. Document proving economic situation
    • Declaration of paid employment issued by the employer; OR
    • Statement issued by trade unions in the sector in which the applicant works; OR
    • Employment contract; OR
    • Document proving the existence of own income, e.g. pensions, rents, dividends, etc; OR
    • Salary statement or receipt; OR
    • Declaration or pay slip from spouse or person living in a similar situation.


  5. Police record from the National Police;
  6. An up-to-date passport photo;

IMPORTANT: Other documents will be requested depending on the type of applicant.
The documents proving the applicant's identity and the document proving the date of entry and continued stay in Cape Verde, namely the declaration of consular registration, must be authenticated by the Embassy of the country of origin.

As cópias digitalizadas dos documentos deverão ser a preto e branco e em formato pdf.
A fotografia deverá ser apresentada a cores e em formato jpg.

O processo, a título individual, terá o custo de 1500 ecv (mil e quinhentos escudos cabo-verdianos) e por cada membro do agregado familiar, acresce o montante de 500 ecv (quinhentos escudos).

Once the process has been completed by filling in the online form available at, the applicant will have to choose the payment method.

  • If they choose the "card" option, they can pay immediately on the website using their Vinti4 card;
  • If you want to pay at a commercial bank branch or, alternatively, at a Vinti4 cash machine Vinti4 or using the homebanking system, they must choose the "View DUC" option. The Single Collection Document will automatically be visible on the screen and will be available for the citizen to print on paper.

IMPORTANT: The applicant has 7 days to pay the DUC.

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